Sailor, kitesurfer, and paddler Liz Wardley returns to the show to talk with Emma about her record-breaking row across the Atlantic. She completed the World's Toughest Row at the end of January after 44 days at sea. She beat the previous record by 15 days. Liz has competed many times in The Ocean Race and was last on the podcast in 2019 when she was skippering Maiden.
Emma talked to Liz while she was home in Australia, simultaneously recovering and preparing for the next challenge: rowing the World's Toughest Row Pacific. Liz tells stories from her solo row across the Atlantic, reflects on her path into sailing and now rowing, and shares plans for the double-handed Pacific row.
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Thanks to our long-time friends at Forbes Horton Yachts for presenting this season of ON THE WIND! Learn more about Forbes at:
ON THE WIND is also presented by Harborburn Cannon Co., brought to you by the founders of 59º North Sailing. Harborburn was born of an idea by a group of sailing friends looking for a way to add some fun onboard our boats. We figured “if you own a boat, you need a cannon!”