On the Wind TV

A Film and Podcast Project from Andy Schell & Thierry Humeau

When we changed the name of the podcast to On the Wind, I hinted about new projects in the works. Episode 159 of the podcast is the audio version of the first ‘On the Wind TV’ which, in its original form, is actually a film directed by Thierry Humeau and shot in Pam Wall’s backyard in Ft. Lauderdale.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel at youtube.com/59northsailing. There’s also some special bonus footage, including a film tour with Pam and I on her iconic Freya 39 KANDARIK.

Thanks to Pam for participating! And big thanks also to Liz Karamavros for helping to brainstorm the name; to Cameron Deyell, for composing and recording the music especially for the show; to Mia Karlsson; and to Thierry for coming up with the idea in the first place! I truly hope you enjoy it.

Episode 1: Pam Wall

Click here to watch on YouTube (recommended for mobile users).

You can visit Pam's website (PamWall.com) for more tips and blue water cruising information.

freya 39 ‘Kandarik’ Tour w/ Pam Wall & Andy Schell

Click here to watch on YouTube (recommended for mobile users).