Will Sofrin is among other things a sailor, shipwright and author of the new book ALL HANDS ON DECK. The story is a maritime adventure memoir that follows a crew of misfits hired to sail an eighteenth-century warship replica 6,000 nautical miles from New England to Hollywood where the ship would become the HMS SURPRISE for the iconic film MASTER & COMMANDER. Will was 21 years old at the time, working on yachts and somewhat directionless. In this episode, Andy interviews Will to hear more about the high seas adventure and how the book came to be.
You can learn more at the following links:
Website: https://www.willsofrin.com/
Book Promo Video: https://youtu.be/GcHWevLkYlc

Thanks to our long-time friends at Forbes for presenting this season of ON THE WIND! Learn more about Forbes at: https://forbesyachts.com/
ON THE WIND is presented this season by AG1, the daily Foundational Nutritional supplement that supports whole-body health. Click https://drinkAG1.com/ONTHEWIND to learn more.