“We’ve talked to clients that have been in those Category 3 Hurricanes coming across the Yucatan and, you know, we’re constantly calling them, making sure they’re okay. It does get tough emotionally. A lot of these clients have used us for years. Of course we want them safe, we know them, sometimes on a personal level. You’ve got to take the emotion out of it, try to not get too caught up.”
-Jeremy Davis, Forecaster at WRI Inc.
Episode #152 is a fascinating and technical conversation with Jeremy Davis, a senior forecaster & weather router at WRI. Andy & Jeremy talk about climate change, pilot charts, hurricane season, Bahamian 'derechos' (i.e. wicked and sustained thunderstorms), how to become a meteorologist, the difference between weather routing & weather forecasting and much much more. Make sure to check out the show notes below to see some of the real-life stuff that a weather router does, as well as sample forecasts, climatology reports and more.
Show Notes
WRI's office in Glen Falls, NY, overlooking the Hudson River.
Links to WRI
Actual Tropical Outlook Prepared for Lee Cumberland on s/v Satori (click for PDF).