Passage Logs

Isbjorn in Sweden // Finally, People Know How to Pronounce Our Boat Name!

Isbjorn in Sweden // Finally, People Know How to Pronounce Our Boat Name!

We're back in Marstrand, but we're supposed to be in Stockholm! Isbjorn made landfall here in July after crossing the North Sea from Shetland. Anyhow, my dad and some sailing friends from the Chesapeake, Tom & Darlene, joined us here in Marstrand for what was supposed to be a fun delivery/cruise around the bottom of Sweden and up into the Baltic and to Stockholm, where our next trip with crew would begin. That plan got scuttled almost immediately - on our second day on the boat, we had a gnarly beat against a strong southerly wind and a wickedly short, steep chop...

ISBJORN OFFSHORE: Scotland Highlight Reel

ISBJORN OFFSHORE: Scotland Highlight Reel

*SOUND ON FOR SOME BAGPIPES!* #Isbjornsailing & crew have been having a BLAST exploring Scotland for the past week! We put together a short highlight reel of some of our favorite spots, including sailing around Ardnamurchan, the western-most point in the UK, hiking in the Cuillin Hills & watching seals in Loch Scavaig! Andy recorded the music live at the Old Inn on the Isle of Skye during a late-night session with local musicians & lots of whisky! 

PHOTOS: '17 Leg 7: Azores to Scotland

PHOTOS: '17 Leg 7: Azores to Scotland

'The downwind run from the Azores to Scotland'. Not at all as we expected, this trip has been the one that we thought we would encounter the most weather of the year and we had prepared their crew for it. In Ponta Delgada the day before departure the long-term weather forecast looked to good to be true. We started of with an evening and night of motoring but pretty quickly the wind picked up from behind and we sailed downwind most of the way. Due to some light wind and that we were head of schedule we decided on a quick stop in the Aren Islands just of Galway Bay in Ireland.

HARD TRAVELIN': Mac's Atlantic Crossing Part 2

HARD TRAVELIN': Mac's Atlantic Crossing Part 2

Part Two of Isbjorn crew 'Mac's' trans-Atlantic blog, part of his round-the-world by land and sea journey. "The strongest winds we saw peaked at 44 knots, with 34 knots sustained over several hours, which are really strong, creating 15 to 18 foot swells. That is classified as a gale. It was a big weather system on a small boat in the middle of the night, and I enjoyed the adrenaline-charged thrill of being at the helm on night-watch during part of this. It was a “Lieutenant Dan” storm, if you remember Forrest Gump. As reported previously- an ocean is a damned awesome thing, y’all."

HARD TRAVELIN': Isbjorn Crew 'Mac's' Trans-Atlantic Blog #1

HARD TRAVELIN': Isbjorn Crew 'Mac's' Trans-Atlantic Blog #1

The following is an excerpt of our crewmember Kevin 'Mac' McMahan's travel blog, "I walked out of my Texas ranch on May 1 with my pack on my back, hitch-hiked to the train station, rode the Amtrak to New York City, hopped a cruise ship to Bermuda and here I am on Isbjorn, ready to sail across the Atlantic with y'all."

PHOTOS: '17 Leg 6: Bermuda - Azores // TRANS-ATLANTIC

Isbjorn Offshore: A Mid-Ocean Swim

Isbjorn Offshore: A Mid-Ocean Swim

Andy, Mia, and the crew expierience dying wind but are determined to not start the engine. Whales show up less than 100 yards from the boat and new friends are made over the VHF. All the while Mia is making delicious dinners to keep the crew well fed! Check out the latest update as Isbjorn crosses the Atlantic Ocean from Bermuda to the Azores.  

Isbjorn Offshore: A Black, No Horizon Night

Isbjorn Offshore: A Black, No Horizon Night

Low, grey clouds overhead. They're moving off to our right, carried by the chilly northerly wind. A few hints of blue sky are visible to the north. Thane & Brenda are on watch. It's dry outside, but cool. They're in fully foulies, gloves & wool hats. The wind has a bite to it, especially without the warming sun overhead. It's a proper North Atlantic day today.



The start of a bigger adventure! Many times this year, we have started our trip in the BVI but every time we have come back after exploring the southern parts of the Caribbean. This time we left the BVI knowing we won't be back from may years! Back in the Caribbean on 2019, but maybe not the BVI, a bit hard to wrap our heads around since this been our 'base' for a while!

Isbjorn Offshore: Ghosting Through a Placid Night

Isbjorn Offshore: Ghosting Through a Placid Night

I think this quote captures the beauty of sailing offshore (- Liz): 

"I can't decide which way to look. To the east the sky is ablaze with a new, clear dawn, the sun's rays piercing the heavens through some fluffy clouds over the horizon. In the west, the moon follows Jupiter, sinks lower and turns a blood red before dipping beneath the horizon."  - Andy Schell