2017-10: Marstrand-Stockholm

Front Page News in Åland! // 'Seglade 7 000 Sjömil - för Algots Dop'

Front Page News in Åland! // 'Seglade 7 000 Sjömil - för Algots Dop'

Isbjorn made the front page of the local 'Nya Åland' newspaper in Mariehamn! The headline translates roughly to '7,000 Miles Sailed for Algot's Baptism.' Basically, Mia's best friend is from Åland, and we're now godparents to her first son, Algot. We had planned all along to have the baptism after our season was over, but hadn't actually planned to sail here! When the crew wanted to visit Åland, and since we had some time, we ended the last passage here and they took the ferry home.

Isbjorn in Sweden // Finally, People Know How to Pronounce Our Boat Name!

Isbjorn in Sweden // Finally, People Know How to Pronounce Our Boat Name!

We're back in Marstrand, but we're supposed to be in Stockholm! Isbjorn made landfall here in July after crossing the North Sea from Shetland. Anyhow, my dad and some sailing friends from the Chesapeake, Tom & Darlene, joined us here in Marstrand for what was supposed to be a fun delivery/cruise around the bottom of Sweden and up into the Baltic and to Stockholm, where our next trip with crew would begin. That plan got scuttled almost immediately - on our second day on the boat, we had a gnarly beat against a strong southerly wind and a wickedly short, steep chop...