59º North Celestial Nav Workshop Wrap-Up

This past weekend's nav workshop was a big success. We kicked off the weekend with a couple of Guinness and some sea stories at Galway Bay pub on Friday night, and then hit the books hard over Saturday and Sunday (with a nice dinner with Matt Rutherford at Ram's Head Tavern on Saturday night). See some photos of the weekend below.

Thanks to all who attended - it was a great time getting to know you guys and enlightening you a little bit on the history and practice of celestial navigation. The US Sailing Hall of Fame donated the space (which was a perfect setting right on City Dock in Annapolis), and the course was supported by Bacon Sails (who loaned some sextants to practice with) and Weems & Plath, who supplied the plotting tools and a place for Andy to sleep over the weekend! We will definitely be doing another one or two of these this year, limited to 6 people (which is a perfect class size). If you're interested in joining, contact andy@59-north.com. Next course will be in May or October. Stay tuned.