#358: Liz Clark // From an Inspirational Pacific Crossing to Life in Tahiti

#358: Liz Clark // From an Inspirational Pacific Crossing to Life in Tahiti

#358. Captain Liz Clark has sailed over 20,000 miles on her sailboat, Swell. She grew up sailing in San Diego, and cruised the coast of Mexico with her family at age 9. She became an avid and competitive surfer as a teenager, which took her traveling around the world. After finishing her degree in Environmental Science in Santa Barbara, Liz acquired Swell, her Cal 40. She undertook an extensive refit of the boat, then pushed off into the Pacific on a voyage of self-discovery.

Liz's book Swell: A Sailing Surfer's Voyage of Awakening is an inspiring and beautifully illustrated memoir about her voyage. After cruising and surfing through the Pacific, Liz landed in Tahiti where she wrote her book and still lives with her partner. Swell sits on a mooring in view from her porch, ready for the next adventure. In the meantime, Liz is busy on the island, protecting the animals, lands, and ocean waters of Tahiti.

#356: Paul Heiney // A Voyage Well Made

#356: Paul Heiney // A Voyage Well Made

#356: Paul Heiney is a well-known writer and broadcaster, as well as a seasoned ocean sailor. His voyages include a singlehanded race across the Atlantic, a long passage from England to Cape Horn and back, and a cruise around Iceland. His work is published regularly in sailing magazines and he has written several books, some about his sailing trips. Paul is also the commodore of the Royal Cruising Club.

Paul has also been an organic farmer and keeper of working farm horses. He is married to columnist and broadcaster, Libby Purves. They have a late son, Nicholas, and a daughter Rose. Paul and Libby live beside the seaside on the Suffolk coast with their dog.

You can find his latest book, Farewell Mr Puffin (https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/farewell-mr-puffin-9781472990976/), wherever books are sold. See more about Paul's life and work at https://www.paulheiney.com/.

#354: Jon Totten // Sailing Therapy with Dogsmile Adventures

#354: Jon Totten // Sailing Therapy with Dogsmile Adventures

Jon Totten is an outdoorsman, educator, sailor, and all-around great person. He spent 12 years leading outdoor adventures in Northern Idaho before he found a path as a professional sailor. Jon led sailing charters in the San Juan Islands and the Caribbean until life forced him to change paths. After an absolutely epic adventure in 2020, he went back to Idaho where he founded his nonprofit, Dogsmile Adventures. His organization is now in its second year creating therapeutic sailing opportunities for everyone. Check it out at dogsmileadventures.org and be sure to watch their Youtube videos to hear more stories from the folks who sail with Jon.

In this episode, Emma and Jon discuss the path that led Jon to Dogsmile Adventures. They talk about addiction, mental health, the healing power of the outdoors, and how to make sailing available to more people.

#353: Tapio Lehtinen // Finnish Sailing Legend and Circumnavigator

#353: Tapio Lehtinen // Finnish Sailing Legend and Circumnavigator

#353: Tapio Lehtinen is a legendary Finnish sailor who is preparing to race the Golden Globe Race this year, and the Ocean Globe Race in 2023. Tapio sailed the Whitbread Round the World Race as watch captain in 1980-81. He also completed an arduous Golden Globe Race in 2018, which made Tapio the first Finn to have raced single-handed nonstop around the world. In this episode, Andy and Tapio talk about the devastating war in Ukraine, raising children and losing loved ones, and, of course, offshore sailing. Follow Tapio's sailing programs at https://www.tapiolehtinensailing.fi/

#352: Robin Lee Graham // Fifty Years Since Sailing DOVE

#352: Robin Lee Graham // Fifty Years Since Sailing DOVE

#352. Robin Lee Graham made history when he left California in 1965, at the age of sixteen, to sail around the world alone on Dove. He met his wife Patti on this epic journey, which he completed in 1970. The voyage was followed by a flurry of media and a difficult return to life ashore. The Graham’s moved to Montana soon after the circumnavigation, where they built a life with their two kids, Quimby and Ben. Robin and Patti still live on Flathead Lake, where their close-knit family gathers often.

Robin wrote three books with the help of Derek Gill: Dove, The Boy Who Sailed Around the World Alone, and Home is the Sailor. Dove was adapted into a Hollywood movie in 1974.

Emma's mother, Lynn, sailed across the Atlantic in 1978, when she was twelve years old. Lynn had the first edition of The Boy Who Sailed Around the World Alone on the shelf beside her bunk, and spent their 26 day passage from Maine to Ireland flipping through its pages. Emma grew up with that same copy on her shelf, which sparked her trajectory towards sailing.

In February 2022, 50 years after Robin's circumnavigation, Emma traveled up to Montana to interview Robin in person, in the house he built on Flathead Lake. The two sailors talked about Robin's early sailing days, his relationship with his father, his faith, and how he and Patti have built their life.

#351: Andy Chase // Sinking of the Bounty, Maritime Seamanship

#351: Andy Chase // Sinking of the Bounty, Maritime Seamanship

#351. Andy Chase is a professional mariner in every sense of the word. He's worked all over the world on all types of ships - big, small, sailing ships and container ships. Nonfiction writer John McPhee even based his wonderful book 'Looking for a Ship' on Andy's maritime career. Most recently, Andy's been a long-time professor at Maine Maritime Academy and even skippered the schooner BOWDOIN back to the Arctic. I spoke to Andy at length about his career and his thoughts on seamanship, which there are many.

#350: Ryan Ellison // An Emotional Solo Trans-Atlantic

#350: Ryan Ellison // An Emotional Solo Trans-Atlantic

#350. Ryan Ellison, friend of the show, returns to talk about his emotional voyage solo across the Atlantic. Aboard POLAR SEAL, Ryan got involved in a migrant rescue at sea and helped save the lives of dozens of migrants as he stood by to mark their position while the helicopter rescue crews did their work. Ryan reflects on the traumatic experience and the life epiphanies that came from the experience, why he stopped in Cape Verde, why he continued solo after almost abandoning the attempt, and what he learned about himself in the process. Andy & Emma co-host today's show with Ryan.

#349: Peter Gibbons-Neff // Mini-Transat Dreams

#349: Peter Gibbons-Neff // Mini-Transat Dreams

#349. Peter Gibbons-Neff - the namesake of PGN Ocean Racing - is a solo sailor from Annapolis aiming for the single-handed Mini Transat next year in 2023. Peter & I have crossed paths many times, most recently in Kinsale, Ireland - we were outbound on ICEBEAR heading to Sweden, and Peter was inbound on his Mini arriving from France. We traded photos and I promised then I'd get him on the show! Peter tells me the story of how we wound up in the same harbor an ocean away from home.

#348: Emma Garschagen // 7 Months at Sea

#348: Emma Garschagen // 7 Months at Sea

#348. 59º North's own Emma Garschagen is back in the interviewee-seat after having sailed 12,000 miles as the mate on ICEBEAR in 2021. Emma takes us through all of the ups and downs of her long voyage, from successfully completing her first trans-Atlantic crossing to an offshore medical emergency.

New to the show? Listen to episode #311 to learn more about Emma and her sailing origins!

#347: Dawn Riley // Sailing Stories from the Whitbread, America's Cup, and Oakcliff

#347: Dawn Riley // Sailing Stories from the Whitbread, America's Cup, and Oakcliff

#347. Dawn Riley is an expert big-boat and match-racing sailor, and a wonderful storyteller. Emma got Dawn on the phone for an hour of sailing stories from Dawn's incredible career.

Dawn was the first woman ever to manage an entire America’s Cup syndicate, the first American, man or woman, to sail in three America’s Cups and two Whitbread Round the World races. She was on the Maiden crew in the 1989-90 Whitbread Race. Dawn is the Executive Director at Oakcliff Sailing, an organization dedicated to raising the level of sailors and sailing in the United States.

Learn more about Dawn's career here (dawnriley.com) and more about Oakcliff Sailing here (https://www.oakcliffsailing.org/). Learn more about training programs at Oakcliff here (https://www.oakcliffsailing.org/programs/), or how to support their mission here (https://www.oakcliffsailing.org/support-us).

#346: Chris Nolan // Practical Navigator: From the U.S. Coast Guard to Tall Ships

#346: Chris Nolan // Practical Navigator: From the U.S. Coast Guard to Tall Ships

#346. Chris Nolan is a former US Coast Guard cutterman and current USCG reservist. He is a faculty captain and current interim academic dean at Sea Education Association (www.sea.edu) in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Chris is also the founder of Practical Navigator (www.practicalnavigator.org) where he provides educational resources to mariners. He runs a YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/c/NavigationTraining/videos) where he shares educational material and stories from his experience at sea. In this episode, Emma and Chris discuss Chris's time in the Coast Guard and subsequent transition into sailing education on tall ships. We explore questions around leadership, being a good shipmate, and how to take care of one's own needs while still looking out for others.

#345: Matt Rutherford (Again!) // Refitting Old Boats, Greenland & More

#345: Matt Rutherford (Again!) // Refitting Old Boats, Greenland & More

#345. Matt Rutherford (again!). Matt & Andy shoot the shit about sailing origins, how far we've come since 2011, his big-ass schooner refit, missing solo sailing, and Matt's upcoming Greenland expedition with his Ocean Research Project. Want to sail with Matt? He's looking for a female mate to work alongside him, his first mate, and scientist Nicole Trenholm for the duration of the summer. Low pay, high adventure! Contact oceanresearchproject.org to apply.

#344: Taylor Grieger // HELL OR HIGH SEAS

#344: Taylor Grieger // HELL OR HIGH SEAS

#344. Taylor Grieger returns to the podcast to talk about how sailing saved his life. Taylor is a military vet, a former US Navy rescue swimmer, who suffered from severe PTSD on his return to civilian life. He returned to a childhood love of sailing, and with two friends, set out to sail around Cape Horn and talk about PTSD for a film called HELL OR HIGH SEAS. Taylor has since started the American Odysseus Sailing Foundation (amodsailing.org) to help other vets and first responders recover from PTSD through sailing. Catch the film at hellorhighseas.com.

#343: Djemila Tassin // Racing the Mini Transat

#343: Djemila Tassin // Racing the Mini Transat

#343. Djemila Tassin is a Belgian and Spanish sailor from the island of La Palma. She completed the 2021 Mini Transat aboard her boat Kaïros. Djemila is a determined solo sailor, a trained oceanographer, and an inspiring adventurer. In this episode, Emma and Djemila discuss the mental preparation necessary for an undertaking like the Mini Transat. In addition to her confidence and drive, Djemila found success through advice from mentors and learning to ask for help. Djemila is taking all her lessons on racing and seamanship from last year's race into the next edition of the Mini Transat aboard a new boat. Follow her adventures and contact Djemila at www.djemilasailing.com.

#341: Megan Frey // Sail Training & Trusting Yourself

#341: Megan Frey // Sail Training & Trusting Yourself

#341. Megan Frye is a tall ship sailor and educator. She has spent the last 10 years at sea, sailing traditionally rigged vessels all over the world. She is pursuing her dream of connecting people through sailing with Ocean's Dream. Emma connected with Megan after the transatlantic on ICEBEAR to hear more of Megan's fantastic story. They discussed how Megan followed her intuition to islands in Norway and Scotland, and the Alaskan coastline. Megan shared the comical and joyful story of her first sailboat, and we dove in to the plan for her sail training nonprofit, Ocean's Dream.

You can find out more about Ocean's Dream and support Megan at https://www.oceansdream.org/

#339: Angel & Pete // Pro Skiers Turned Ocean Sailors

#339: Angel & Pete // Pro Skiers Turned Ocean Sailors

#339. I first talked to pro skier-turned-sailor Angel Collinson in the fall of 2020 before she ever set out on an offshore passage. About a year later, I caught up with her and Pete aboard their steel sloop SEABEAR in the Canary Islands, after they'd done their first major ocean crossing. We talked about Pete's lifelong history as a sailor, how he and Angel met in the officers of Teton Gravity Research in Jackson Hole, why they're both such great huggers and how Angel's sailing career is evolving in real-time, just as she's officially announced her retirement from skiing.