#316. Tracy Edwards led the first all-female round-the-world crew in the 1989-90 Whitbread Race aboard Maiden. Following that race, Tracy was the first woman to receive the Yachtsman of the Year Trophy and was awarded an MBE honor. In 2014, after more than three decades since her Whitbread success, Tracy bought Maiden back. A few years later, Maiden was sailing again and a major documentary about their 1989-90 Whitbread Race was released. The Maiden Factor foundation focuses on education for girls around the world. You can find and support them at https://www.themaidenfactor.org/
#315: Matt Rutherford // Streets of Cleveland to the High Seas
#315. Matt Rutherford returns to the show to reflect on the tenth anniversary of his departure for the Around the America's solo passage, a record-setting, nonstop trip through the NW Passage and around Cape Horn. We also discussed his origins as a drug dealer on the streets of Cleveland, and how staying out of prison - and alive - helped him become a 'defensive' sailor. Checkout Matt's podcast SINGLE-HANDED wherever you get your podcasts.
#314: Cam Deyell // Trans-Pacific & Sunken Songs
#314. Cam Deyell is a sailor and musician and a longtime friend/fan of the show! Cam composed and performs the intro music for ON THE WIND, and recently sailed his own boat BOOMBOX across the Pacific to Australia, where he currently lives with his family. En route, he was inspired to create his latest album called SUNKEN SONGS, an instrumental, ethereal take on classic sea shanties that you can get wherever you stream or download your music!
#313: Mia Karlsson & Emma Garschagen // Sailing Origins
#313. Mia Karlsson should be no stranger to you all. She is the co-owner and founder of 59 North Sailing, and is married to Andy Schell. They live in Sweden with their son Axel, where Mia is an active outdoorswoman and puzzler. She grew up in Sweden and has been an avid traveler since she was young. When she and Andy met, her sailing career began. Mia has now sailed over 50,000 miles and completed five Atlantic crossings. She created the first mate position on the 59 North Swan's, which is the job that Emma now occupies. Emma will also be appearing as a regular guest-host for ON THE WIND, so stay tuned for more episodes with her as interviewer!
BONUS: SV DELOS // The Making of the 80º North Film Series
Senor Brady & Alex Blue of SV DELOS join Andy for a look back at how the 80º NORTH: SAILING ON TOP OF THE WORLD film series was created. We reflect on some of our favorite memories from Svalbard, including polar bear encounters, beluga whale songs, glaciers, walrus & much more! Then Brady & Blue describe the painstaking process of sifting through 4 terabytes of raw footage to edit together four, 30-minute episodes. They even reveal the untold story of the day of lost footage from a crashed hard drive! In total it took over two years of post-production and 2,000 hours of labor, but it was a labor of love and we can't be more proud of the result! If you haven't watched yet, go to 80northseries.com, pay what you think is fair, grab a beer and enjoy the ride!
#312: Steph Crawford & Conor Smith // Re-Entry
#311: Emma Garschagen // ICEBEAR Mate
#311. Emma Garschagen is the full-time mate on ICEBEAR, taking Mia's place on the boat since Axel was born. She's a lifelong sailor who grew up on the Hudson River and at age 19 got her first boat, a 24-foot C&C where her love for adventure sailing truly began. Since then she's gone on to sail aboard a variety of boats from tall ships to schooners and most recently her dad's 40-footer which she took offshore to St. Maarten last fall. Emma & I sat down in ICEBEAR's cabin in Antigua last week to debrief our passage south, talk about how she wound up on the team and hear her dreams for the future!
#310: Albert Bjørnerem & Stian Danielsen // Ægir Expeditions
#309: Erik Aanderaa // No bullshit, just sailing
#308: Angel Collinson, Pro Skier // Fear, Gut Instincts & Sailing Offshore
#308. Angel Collinson is a pro free skier who comes from a family of pro skiers. She grew up at Snowbird Resort in Utah where her parents were professional ski patrollers. Even her brother John is a pro freakier. You can see them both in Teton Gravity Research films, among other places. Angel is new to sailing but recently bought a steel boat in Maine her and her boyfriend are outfitting for long-term cruising. Angel & I had a long and insightful conversation on managing fear, how backcountry skiing and offshore sailing are related, when to trust your gut instinct, mental health and lots more.
#307: Ben Lowings // The Extraordinary Life of David Lewis
#306: Raft-Up in Lofoten, Norway // Øyvind Nilssen & August Sandberg
#305: Heavy Weather Sailing // Susie Goodall, August & Andy
#305. Who better than to discuss heavy weather with than Southern Ocean veteran Susie Goodall, and Spitzbergen explorer August Sandberg! Today's show is adapted from the LIVE video session we held on the topic at the height of the pandemic. We define heavy weather, talk about our favorite tactics and of course tell some harrowing storm stories!
#304: Kika & Dan // Sailing UMA
#304. If you've ever spotted a beautiful Pearson 36, crewed by an even more beautiful couple, sailing off their anchor, there's a good chance you'll be in the background of a new video from Sailing UMA. Dan & Kika stopped in Bergen on their way to the Arctic and invited August Sandberg onboard for a chat.
#303: Chris Stanmore-Major // Wrong Way Round-the-World
#303. Chris Stanmore-Major has already been twice round the world, as a skipper with the Clipper Race, then solo in the Velux Five-Oceans Race. Now, with over 300,000 offshore miles under his keel, he's attempting to circumnavigate again, this time solo, nonstop and against the prevailing Southern Ocean wind and seas. It's crunch time for Chris' pre-departure refit...support Chris in his RTW attempt through GoFundMe or on his Patreon page.
#302: Don McIntyre // Adventurer, Sailor, OGR & GGR Founder
#301: Barry Kennedy // South Georgia to St. Croix COVID-19 Escape
#301. Barry Kennedy is a high-latitude sailor and helicopter pilot whose been all of the world pursuing both, from Cape Horn and Antarctica to the oil fields of the Middle East and the wilderness of Alaska. Barry had his own COVID-19 escape, sailing from South Georgia all the way to St. Croix when the places in between denied him entry at the start of the pandemic.
#300: Andy & Mia // A New Boat & a Look Back!
#299: Kristen Berry // COVID-19 Escape the Caribbean
#299. August Sandberg interviews ISBJORN skipper Kristen Berry who flew to St. Thomas to rescue the boat from hurricane season down-island. August, ISBJORN's primary skipper, meanwhile, was stuck in Norway under lockdown and unable to travel to the boat himself. After a whirlwind of preparation and a new crew in the USVI, both ISBJORN & ICEBEAR made it safely north to home waters on the Chesapeake Bay.
#298: Mike Beemer // Refitting a Westsail 39
#298. Mike Beemer is an instructor at Skagit Valley Community College out in the Pacific Northwest. The school has recently purchased an old Westsail 39 that his students will renovate over the course of the next school year into an offshore-capable cruising boat, which they'll sell to an inspired sailor! They'll document the progress on the SVC 'Skallywags" YouTube channel.